Step by step process for breaking into a Bank

After hearing about a new book titled “How to Hack Like a PORNSTAR: A step by step process for breaking into a BANK” on twitter recently I ordered myself a copy at the weekend and read it today while spending many hours on trains to London and back.

Some of the tools I’ve used before such as metasploit, proxy chains & sqlmap but not to the extent the author uses them in his examples and it was fascinating understanding some of the seemingly easy ways privileges can be escalated to gain access to critical parts of the network.

Everything was clear and to the point with plenty of pictures showing the commands used with links to scripts/source code where relevant.

It shows how tools put in place to help administer the network (such as Active Directory) can be used in very mischievous ways to control accounts/machines which otherwise may have been hard to exploit.

The book is about £4.00 on the Kindle and about £11.00 in paper back from Amazon.
5/5 From me, cracking read.